Should go to ” Paradise Cave ” in Quang Binh ???

Paradise cave, has beautiful places that I discovered in my recent trip to Quang Binh. I had to admire the beauty was named a magnificent and fanciful superlative in the world.

Stalactites in the cave are extremely diverse and rich in geological value as well as shapes.

That stalactites in the cave ( Paradise cave) in Quang Binh have a picture like a symbol region cultural. Tien Ong, Buddha Ba, Stilt houses and terraced fields …..

little corner in the cave sparkling
little corner in the cave sparkling

Stalactites in the cave continue to be created every day. Thanks to the water combined with limestone from the ceiling of the cave

Paradise Cave in Phong Nha

This magical cave belongs to Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park. A UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the heart of Quang Binh Province, has become a favorite destination for domestic and foreign tourists.

Paradise Cave is located at the West branch of Ho Chi Minh, Son Trach, Bo Trach and Quang Binh streets.

“Paradise” Cave  is discovered by a native of Quang Binh in 2005. At that time, the cave was only noticed by scientists, adventurers and the international community.

With a length of up to 31.4 km, a height of 60m, the width ranges from 30m to 100m, in some places up to 150m. This is the longest dry cave in Asia, especially the stalagmite system, stalactites here have shimmering beauty, fanciful, beyond human imagination …

There is a verse can reference

The fictional scene of fantasy.

Real life on earth does not meditate.

Where the country is more young.

In earthly place, in heaven ”


The way to Paradise cave

Due to self-sufficient travel, does not follow the tour, but i’m so lucky when i have a native of Quang Binh advises a reasonable schedule for a trip to discover several places in a day including: Paradise Cave,  Mooc spring and Phong Nha Cave. These three places are very convenient so combine to go during the day

Most of them come down to Dong Hoi. Should rent a motorbike in Dong Hoi to facilitate the travel, contact ms.Thu Tel: 0978 211 325, all bike is new.


Going to the direction of route 16, drive a  motobike go straight in one direction is coming, or watch googlemaps also. If you start from Dong Hoi, the distance is also long, so you should take advantage to go early to have more time for your discovery.

Paradise cave is the farthes sightseeing location. I think you should visit at frist and then visit Mooc Spring about 3km and go on to Chay river, Dark cave. The last location of the trip is Phong Nha cave it’s okay.

Ticket price to visit Paradise Cave

The way from the gate to the ticket room will make you excited, why i sajd that…, cause the high of the ramp ís 40 degrees, omg so excited hahah

the parking lot
the parking lot

Ticket price to visit the cave is 250.000 / person – No charge if you take the tram

You will feel worth the money to visit the cave. Entrance tickets are made with a magnetic card, when you come to the ticket booth, you will insert the card to control.

paradise cave

when you entrance the gate you will have 2 choice

  • Walking thought the forest
  • Go by tram


If you choose Quang Binh is the place to travel to join it, i think you sholud try to experient by trekking ( walking thought the forest),

Go by the tram is one of the purpose protect the envirrontment and support a people dont have a good wealth. If you are interested in traveling, you should hike to explore to have more experiences.

Therefore, i decide walking more 1km forest road to Paradise cave, Go on the occasion of the butterfly season, Each flock fluttering in the forest feels really like it

Not as you think walking in the forest hahah, they dont have a land or rock make you feel to hard move. Asphalted roads should move very easily and comfortably. The temperature is very cool, so do not waste your energy, let enjoy  walking. When you go to back you can use the tram also, because that time maybe exhausted hahah

trekking with the fesh air
trekking with the fesh air
Paradise Cave in Phong Nha

Walking about 10-15 minutes is come Paradise cave, you can 2 way to come into.

  • By stairs ( short , but climbing is more tired)
  • Cemented roads, often to drive vehicles to carry things (A little farther, but to go stronger)I choose to go winding roads. hehe
Paradise Cave in Phong Nha Paradise Cave in Phong Nha

About 10 minutes by walk is come jusst 500m, i think you should go the way so wonderful

Check in Paradise cave

Because it is located at an altitude of 360m above sea level, Paradise Cave has a temperature difference of 9-10 degrees Celsius from the outside.

The cave is divided into many large compartments, the widest place is over 200m high and over 100m high.

Paradise Cave
The mouth of the cave

When entering Thien Duong cave, a feeling of cool so fesh. The scenery is really beautiful, the walkways are made of wood

The stalactites are shimmering with magical lights. Full of shapes that according to each person’s senses will think of an animal or something.

The number of visitors was so barbaric, I realized why I called Paradise Cave .

Diverity  shapes. It is recognized that the god has created so many beautiful landscapes

Paradise Cave Paradise Cave Paradise Cave Động Thiên Đường Paradise Cave Paradise Cave Paradise Cave Paradise Cave Paradise Cave Paradise Cave Paradise Cave Paradise Cave Paradise Cave Động Thiên Đường Động Thiên Đường Động Thiên Đường Động Thiên Đường Paradise Cave Động Thiên Đường

The cave is also very deep, really like so amazing with many magical i cant imagine. And then i will move to the next location to visit ” Mooc” Spring. The article below toy can refer, i think it’s useful for your trip

In addition, on June 11, 2011, Thien Duong Cave was recorded by records center of Vietnam

  • The longest dry cave in Asia.-
  • The place has the most unique system of stalactites and stalagmites.-
  • The cave has the longest wooden bridge in Asia.

Paradise cave is a famous cultural heritage of Viet Nam, a heavenly palace in the earth, hope you will be like when you come here

Love guys, hope you joyful

Hopefully some of the above information will make it easier for you to discover Paradise Cave during your Quang Binh trip. Remember to visit, don’t miss this place

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